Sunday, May 3, 2009

Stephen King of Horror

It was a dark and stormy night - the rain was coming down in sheets; the wind was blowing hard and whistling around the corners; no one was in the house except you, and you are reading a terrifying story or watching a very scary movie. Just imagine ..................

When you were a child were you scared of the "boogieman" hiding in your closet, under your bed or behind the door in a dark room? Well ......... there is a literary "boogieman" in our midst in the guise of Stephen King, the King of Horror stories. His vivid (and strange) imagination has created a plethora of stories that will scare even "grown up" kids like you and me. Many of them have been made into horror movies that have challenged our sense of reality.

I have been reading Stephen King stories for years, and they never fail to engross me. They are real, honest-to-goodness page turners, and impossible to put down. I'm sure you are familiar with "The Shining", "The Stand", "Pet Cemetary" and "Christine", the first book he published in 1972.

Andy Williamson is a celebrity profiler, and you can read a very comprehensive biography of Stephen King on : that includes the quotes listed below

Stephen King quotes:

“I recognize terror as the finest emotion and so I will try to terrorize the reader. But if I find that I cannot terrify, I will try to horrify, and if I find that I cannot horrify, I'll go for the gross-out. I'm not proud.”

“I am the literary equivalent of a Big Mac and fries.”

“People want to know why I do this, why I write such gross stuff. I like to tell them I have the heart of a small boy ... and I keep it in a jar on my desk.”

Many of us have wondered why King writes the things he does, and I think these quotes probably answer that very well.

For more info about Stephen King -- including A&E's video Biography -- please visit the Stephen King page at The Wordslinger.